Category Archives for "Guest Blogs"

Danielle’s Post CCSVI Update!


Wow, it is hard to believe that it has almost been 2 months since WAMS and their donors enabled me to seek the CCSVI procedure south of the border. I remember the happiness of hearing the news earlier this spring that WAMS was willing to name me as one of their foundation’s 2012 recipients. For that news I would like to thank them and every one of the people who so selflessly donated to support myself and WAMS on my journey. I actually did not believe that this procedure would ever become a reality for me until many years down the road when I would be re-trained to begin working again and be able to save up the money myself.

Looking back these past months the feeling of just how surreal this experience has been has not left me. One of the first times that I think I accepted that this was happening for me was when I was actually on the operating table and part way through my procedure. Dr. Arata, who was performing the procedure. asked if I could feel different sensations. I could feel something in my left jugular, which was Dr. Arata ballooning my vein. The feeling is something I can only describe as like having really plugged ears, except the pressure was in my neck. That is when it hit me. I was having my CCSVI treatment.

I began noticing changes that same evening. The first thing I realized was that my feet actually felt like my feet. Gone was the sensation that my feet were full of water logged cotton balls that were connected to electricity. I had not expected that one, but wow that was a good start! Waking up the next morning I was able to walk better than I have been able to in years. Since I can now feel my feet my balance has also improved. I am still able to surprise my friend who accompanied me, at the improvements I continue to make.

My pain is also not as debilitating as it was before my procedure. Although not completely gone. my pain now averages between a 3 and a 6 on a 1-10 scale on any given day. As such I have been able to lower my pain medications as well. The clarity in my brain is amazing. It is rather exciting to recognize that I am thinking clearer again and I am able to sleep the night through thanks to the reduction in my pain and the overall feeling of wellness I now live with. The improvements might sound small to some but to me they are huge. I have also been told that I can expect improvements in the coming months once I am back in my regular routine. I have actually been away a lot these past few weeks. OH, a big one. I was actually able to dance at my friend’s wedding a month ago. This is great because I could not do the same thing a year earlier at another friend’s wedding. The fact that I could do that made this whole adventure worth it in my eyes and I would do the same thing again down the road if I need the relief.

Again I would like to thank you and WAMS for everything that you have done for me. I feel as though I am reclaiming my life again with your help. I start my 4th year of my degree program tomorrow. I just hope that I am able to someday help another person as much as you all have helped me. Thank you so much 😀

Rieki for MS

Reiki and Multiple Sclerosis

Reiki and Multiple Sclerosis

Reiki (pronounced ray-key), means “universal life-force energy” and is a simple, gentle and safe Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes spiritual, mental and physical well-being and healing. The Reiki Practitioner taps into an unlimited source of universal life force energy and shares this energy with you. You may have noticed that energy healing is becoming more and more popular these days, and with good reason. Energy work can have a profound positive impact on health and vitality.

Reiki for Multiple SclerosisOn a deeper level, regular treatments will help move stagnant energy. Stagnation begins in the body’s outer energy fields, then move inwards toward the physical body. Once the energetic stagnation becomes pronounced within the body, it will start to manifest in physical symptoms. It is generally accepted in the naturopathic community that stagnation causes disease. The practice of Reiki is the art and science of channeling energy to move stagnation and promote healing.

The existence of the universal life force energy has been documented by recent scientific experiments, and medical doctors are considering the role it may play in the functioning of the immune system and the healing process. Several studies have been conducted on the effect of Reiki on Multiple Scleroris. While these studies are relatively new, several have indicated promising results in terms of pain reduction, increased energy levels, less fatigue, improvement in well-being and a reduction in depression and stress response. A new clinical trial to further study the effects of Reiki on MS is currently being proposed by a group of Reiki practitioners working in conjunction with a neurologist from the University of British Columbia. While further studies need to be conducted in order to reach definitive conclusions, so far the results are encouraging.

Reiki is being introduced in an increasing number of hospitals throughout Canada and is acknowledged by many allopathic doctors as having value in complementing traditional disease treatment methods. In the US, Reiki is used as a standard part of care in many hospitals.

Since stress worsens MS, Reiki can be extremely beneficial because it is very calming, grounding and relaxing. Not only is it beneficial for MS patients to receive Reiki treatments, but if an MS patient learns Reiki and receives the attunements, they will then be able to channel this powerful healing energy themselves for self-treatment. Treating oneself can as effective as being treated by another practitioner. It is a tool that can be used anytime, anywhere and as often as it is needed.

Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment, but it can be used as a powerful complement to traditional medicine. In fact, it may improve the effectiveness of all other treatments, and reduce negative side effects and complications from medications and surgeries. It works to shorten healing time, reduce or eliminate pain, reduce stress, promote relaxation and create optimism.

Kira Lynne, BA, RHN, is a Reiki Master/Teacher and Registered Holistic Nutritionist practicing in Vancouver, BC.

For further details on the studies mentioned in this article, please see the following:

Reiki and MS Study


Carmen Amundsen, the hard-working CEO and Founder of WAMS Foundation, graciously invited me to be the first Guest Blogger on the WAMS Blog. WAMS aims to not only aid and support those diagnosed with MS, but also the family members, spouses and friends of those with MS. For that reason, we’re adding voices from this group to the blog and it starts with me. Carmen is my dear cousin, which puts me in an ideal position to provide insight into what you can do when someone you love has MS.

Carmen is five years younger than me, but even with that age difference I have many happy memories of playing with her when we were young. Many hours staying up late playing video games and summer days swimming in her pool. We were briefly in the same school when I was in Grade 6 and she was in Grade 1, so my friends and I would give her and her friends piggy-backs around the schoolyard. Unfortunately, when I became a teenager, all of a sudden the five year age difference became a gulf. We still saw each other at family events, but it wasn’t the same as it was when we were younger. Then some unfortunate circumstance made us lose touch almost completely for about 15 years. We’d hear news of each other once and a while through family, but that was it.

Then three summers ago, my father told me Carmen had been diagnosed with MS. My heart dropped. How could the girl, still the rambunctious little 6 year old in mind, possibly have MS? It felt like the whole world had been shaken up and everything was wrong. By this time Carmen and I were both living in Vancouver and had seen each other occasionally, so I was close by and thankfully in a position to reach out, so that’s what I did.  Today, Carmen is a huge part of my life and I proudly sit on the Board of the WAMS Foundation. That five year age difference has again shrunk down to nothing.

What have I learned about loving someone with MS? And what can someone do to help a loved one with MS? I think the most important word is “support.” Give them support whenever they need it and even sometimes when they don’t think they do. Give them support even when it gets uncomfortable for you. Anyone who knows me well realizes I hate being up in front of groups or in any situation where I’m drawing attention to myself, but for Carmen, I stood up in front of 300 people at our recent fundraiser, and following that I walked proudly with her in the Pride Parade in front of 500,000. These were not things I thought I would ever willingly do, but if she can be strong in the face of MS, I can certainly get over my phobias and properly support her. Who knows what she’ll be getting me to do next! 🙂

Bottom line; support in any shape or size is the best thing you can give your loved one with MS. It may be as simple as a ride to the doctor or lending a supportive ear, or it could be something harder and scarier for you, but know that all your support is appreciated and needed. The world can become very small for someone with MS, and it’s up to us, their loved ones, not to let that ever happen.

Melanie Pump